Sunday, April 22, 2012

Second Non-Graded Assignment

Salam and hello everyone!

In Research Method class, we learnt on how to use SPSS software. SPSS is a computer program used for survey authoring and deployment, data mining, text analytics, statistical analysis, and collaboration and deployment. For more information on SPSS you may visit the Wikipedia article here

From what we have learnt, we think that the use of SPSS in learning process is under Communicative CALL. This is because in the learning process, computer acts as a pupil as it assists the user in figuring out certain desired amounts. Besides that, it is also a problem-solving-oriented based method approach. Apart from that, it is also a discovery learning approach as users learn through trial and error. Users are also independent in this process.

"Verily, Allah (alone) is all-knowing and all-aware." Wassalam.

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