Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Our Theme

Salam and a very good day, everyone.
Firstly, we bid you a big, warm welcome to our blog, the Ministry of Drama.

This blog is dedicated to the subject ENGL 4740, or Computer Applications in Language Learning, for students under the English Language and Literature program from the International Islamic University Malaysia.

Here we will be posting assignments and projects, as well as journal articles and other literature related to the subject.
It is our wish that you will be enlightened and educated as you go through our blog, and at the end of it all, we hope for a better understanding in this field. Without further ado, we present to you the first part of our blog: our theme.


After several discussions, we decided to choose one of the introductory courses; Literary Genres II: Drama :)

Basically, we chose this course because:

  • It brings back our bittersweet first-year memories, specifically the ones we had during the drama staging assignment :) It was seriously an unforgettable one as we got the learn almost all processes involved in a play staging; from the script writing, directing, acting, etc.
playing the role of the chorus of women of Acropolis. (Drama adaptation of Lysistrata) 

Behind is our handmade 'entrance of Acropolis'.

To those who never come across the 'Drama' term, we have prepared this brief introduction for you! :)

According to Aristotle (click here if you have no idea about who he is), Drama can be narrowed down into six elements:

While below are some of the types of drama:

Though most of the plays learnt are not from any Muslim playwrights (Everyman, Oedipus Rex, Doctor Faustus, etc.), it does not mean that Islamic values are put aside. Instead, be it Islamic or not, a lot of things or aspects can be pondered over in understanding Islam better. Well, that is what Islamization of knowledge is all about, after all :)  

Verily, Allah (alone) is all-knowing and all-aware. Wassalam.

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